Calvin Cycle

Calvin Cycle

Calvin Cycle Definition The Calvin cycle is the cycle of chemical reactions carried out by plants to „fix” carbon from CO2 into three-carbon sugars. Plants and animals can later convert these three-carbon compounds into amino acids, nucleotides, and more complex sugars, such as starches. This „carbon fixation” process is how most new organic matter is…

Breakdown of ATP During Contraction

Breakdown of ATP During Contraction

ATP is critical for muscle contractions because it breaks the myosin-actin cross-bridge, releasing the myosin for the next contraction. Key points ATP primes myosin to bind actin by moving it to a higher energy state and a „cocked” position. Once myosin forms a cross-bridge with actin, Pi dissociates and myosin undergoes the power hit, reaching…

Bone Growth

Bone Growth

Bone growth and development The terms osteogenesis and ossification are often used synonymously to indicate the process of bone formation. Parts of the skeleton form during the first few weeks after conception. By the end of the eighth week after conception, the skeletal pattern is formed in the cartilage and connective tissue membranes and ossification…

Nowa generacja odwrotnej transkryptazy dla RNA-Seq

Nowa generacja odwrotnej transkryptazy dla RNA-Seq

Autonomiczny enzym TGIRT-III i zestaw RG-seq do przełączania matrycy TGIRT. Enzym TGIRT® III to nowa generacja odwrotnej transkryptazy z kilkoma zaletami: Jednocześnie odwróć transkrypcję i dodaj adapter RNA-Seq do RNA wszystkich rozmiarów i strukturMniej stronniczy sposób niż inne metodyUmożliwiają uzyskanie pełnej długości odczytów tRNA i innych strukturalnych niekodujących RNA 2 różne warianty metody Jeden dla…

Frequent Mistakes When Pipetting And How To Avoid Them

Frequent Mistakes When Pipetting And How To Avoid Them

Pipettes are essential instruments for accurately measuring and dispensing reagents. But that precision doesn’t do much good if the measurements aren’t made exactly. Certain frequent pipetting errors can directly affect this accuracy and hamper the reproducibility of the assays. In this post we tell you what those frequent errors are when pipetting and how we can avoid them.…


Autoklaw plazmowy Autoklaw poziomy Autoklaw stołowy klasy B Autoklawy Automatyczna wirówka dekapująca Bilans dużej pojemności Bilans gęstości Chłodnicza wirówka o niskiej prędkości Cyfrowa płyta grzejna Cyfrowy myjka ultradźwiękowa Cyfrowy wytrząsacz orbitalny Cyrkulator kąpieli olejowej Cytotoksyczna szafka bezpieczeństwa Czytniki i podkładki do mikropłytek Czytniki mikropłytek Digital Rocking Shaker Długopisy testowe Ductless Fume Hood Fotometr płomieniowy Fume…

Profiling of dynamics in protein-lipid-water systems: a time-resolved fluorescence study of a model membrane protein with the label BADAN at specific membrane depths.

Profiling of dynamics in protein-lipid-water systems: a time-resolved fluorescence study of a model membrane protein with the label BADAN at specific membrane depths.

Profiles of lipid-water bilayer dynamics have been decided from picosecond time-resolved fluorescence spectra of membrane-embedded BADAN-labeled M13 coat protein. For this function, the protein was labeled at seven key positions. This locations the label at well-defined places from the water part to the middle of the hydrophobic acyl chain area of a phospholipid model membrane, offering…

Tilt and rotation angles of a transmembrane model peptide as studied by fluorescence spectroscopy.

Tilt and rotation angles of a transmembrane model peptide as studied by fluorescence spectroscopy.

In this research the membrane orientation of a tryptophan-flanked model peptide, WALP23, was decided by utilizing peptides that have been labeled at completely different positions alongside the sequence with the environmentally delicate fluorescent label BADAN. The fluorescence properties, reflecting the native polarity, have been used to find out the lean and rotation angles of the peptide…